I haven’t been good at promoting myself recently, the last year in the pandemic I’ve been working hard on Adigi and working with a business coach for Adigi, it has been great…
The past 12 months has been a very tough time for us all, not just in business but for our personal well being. Some of our clients have seen their businesses and the way the operated…
“Google says YouTube generated $15 billion last year and contributed roughly 10 percent to all Google revenue.” For the first time, Google has released the revenue stats of YouTube and it ma…
In a word no, it has always mystified me why they haven’t capitalised on these fan bases in monetising their audiences? Especially when football fans are akin to creating a cult like f…
We need an app is a statement I hear all too often from brands and businesses, that statement well might be true but often it isn’t. Let me start by saying there are some fantastic…
In a very simplistic answer, then the answer is partly. Digital has shaped buying behaviour over the past 10 years but it certainly hasn’t devalued the shopping experience. In fact I…